T-Star Egypt | Polymers and Resins
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Polymers and Resins

High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

Blow molding applications

  • Used for manufacturing small, medium, and big sized containers.
  • Grades available for food use (FDA approved), and chemicals.
  • Suitable for plastic manufacturers supplying the petroleum, chemicals, and agriculture sector.
  • Common used applications: Jerry cans, Tight Head pails, Bottles, Motor Oil packs.
  • All materials of virgin origin, non-recycled.

Film applications

  • Used for different packaging solutions.
  • Common used applications: shopping bags, grocery sacks, garbage bags.
  • Thin package applications.
  • Food use approved for some grades.
  • All materials of virgin origin, non-recycled.

Injection molding applications

  • Used for manufacturing small, medium, and big sized containers.
  • Grades available for food use (FDA approved), and chemicals.
  • Suitable for plastic manufacturers supplying the coating, paints, chemicals, and petroleum sector.
  • Common used applications: Open head pails, Small to medium sized jars, pallets, buckets, caps, and closures.
  • All materials of virgin origin, non-recycled.

Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

Injection molding applications

  • Thin articles (Trays and containers)
  • Flexible products
  • Easy process ability and enhanced cycle time.

Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE)

Lids and closure applications

  • Used for caps and closure production.

Compounding applications.

  • Used as an additive.
  • High gloss easily reached.
  • Advantage of product toughness and crack resistance; stiff.

Polypropylene (PP)

Injection molding applications-

  • Used for products that require excellent resistance and elasticity.
  • Faster cycle time and easily blended with master batch.
  • Caps that require easy closures giving a tight and secure advantage

For specific inquiries, please contact us by email info@tstaregypt.com